Innovative Teaching Through Sports
Our goal is to help students gain a love for math through fun, sports based lessons. Discover the math in everyday sports!
Contact us at: mathatplay.contact@gmail.com
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The Importance of Math

Mathematics is an essential subject that plays a crucial role in both the present and future. However, it is not being given the importance it deserves, as evidenced by the fact that only 40% of California students met or exceeded the Math standard for their grade level in 2019. Despite being one of the most academically advanced states in the country, a majority of students are still struggling with this highly applicable concept. The real issue lies in the lowest-performing districts, where Math proficiency rates can be as low as 14%. It is imperative that we work together to increase these rates, as understanding and utilizing Math is vital for our future success. By extending our support to those who were unable to receive the same benefits in terms of schooling and environment, we can help our country and the world in the long run.
How Sports Help

At Math-At-Play, we believe students learn best when they are engaged and motivated. That's why we've developed a unique approach to teaching math that combines sports and math to create a fun and interactive learning experience. Our sports-based worksheets are designed to help students understand math concepts by using real-life sports examples that they can relate to. By making math more relatable and enjoyable, we hope to inspire students to develop a love for math and become more confident in their abilities. Our approach is focused on improving students' math skills and helping them succeed academically.
"This is highly appreciated we will be including this into our curriculum asap."
"Wow! These are wonderful worksheets and CEP would be very proud to link to them on our website. We have many students who love sports and would find worksheets like these incredibly helpful."
"I loved your idea of creating these worksheets! I looked over the worksheets and will be using them for Backpack Tutoring and adding them to our website as an additional resource!
I think this will make a fantastic resource for teachers and we'd love to include it in our resource library... Thanks for your hard work on this website. It's a great idea and, as a former teacher, I know it will serve teachers and students well!
- Pashtana Durrani,
Founder and Executive Director of LEARN | Afghan
- Beth Miller,
Program Director at
Community Education Partnerships
- Yashavani Dhawan
Vice Executive Chair at Backpack Tutoring
- Lora Fanning,
ETED Program Manager at Kids in Need Foundation